Background: Community pharmacists like other health care professionals in Lebanon have been grappling with a series of multifaceted, country-wide and ongoing challenges that have formed the impetus for this research. We aimed to explore experiences of community pharmacists in Beirut, Lebanon, during three concurrent crises in 2020: the Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic and the Beirut Port explosion. Methods: A qualitative approach using a constructivist grounded theory methodology was employed. Between October 2020 and February 2021, semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposefully recruited community pharmacists working in Beirut. All interviews were conducted virtually, and data collected were analysed using inductive reasoning, with open coding and concept development. Results: Thirty-five participants (63% female, mean age 30) were interviewed online. Emergent categories and theoretical concepts included 1. painting the picture – pharmacists describing the context/setting; 2. impact of the crises – on community pharmacists, the profession, patients and the system; 3. response to the crises – of community pharmacists, the profession (+ practice), patients and the system; and 4. need for advocacy and leadership. A theory was developed about “unsustainable resilience” in the scheme of ongoing crises. Conclusions: The findings revealed a shared sense of futility and despair among pharmacists collectively as a profession, as well as a sense of unsustainable healthcare systems in Lebanon, and environments impacting on the resilience of pharmacists at an individual level. A call for action is needed for urgent sustainable structural and financial reforms, advocacy and planning for future resilient systems, as well as a resilient pharmacy profession and protection of pharmacists’ wellbeing and livelihood.

Fuente: Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy
Available online 4 January 2023
